
About Toronto Registered Massage Therapist-Kin Sze RMT

Profile: Kin Sze RMT

Kin Sze is a Toronto-based registered massage therapist (RMT). He is registered in good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario-CMTO

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What is massage therapy

Massage therapy is a treatment in which a massage therapist manipulates soft tissues, and joints, to relieve pain, and release tight structures of joints and soft tissues.

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What is a Registered Massage Therapist RMT

In Ontario, a registered massage therapist RMT is a massage therapy provider who is registered with the governing provincial authority, CMTO. There are several prerequisites which the practitioner must satisfy before registration.

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RMT practice locations in Toronto

Detail information of Kin Sze's RMT practice locations in Toronto

Kin Sze currently practices RMT massage therapy at the following downtown Toronto clinics: b-Stretched (2 locations) and Step Up Massage and Rehab.

Please click for more info on booking a massage therapy session with Kin Sze, RMT.